Thursday, October 08, 2009

Raya di Bradford

My family...

Other pictures..

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin.

Bulan Ramadhan tahun 2009 sudah tiba ke penghujungnya. Kami sekeluarga ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin kepada semua keluarga, sedara mara, dan sahabat handai. Setelah sekian, saya kembali beraya di perantauan, tapi kali ini bersama keluarga tercinta. Terasa rindu suasana beraya di Malaysia, tapi pengalaman beraya di bumi Bradford ini pasti menyeronokkan.

Sambil2 tu, boleh dengar lagu raya kat sini...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

090909 - Alia turns 3..

Today is 090909 and alia turns 3...yuupp...its her birthday today, our little princess...adalar beli kek dan tiup lilin sikit...we didn't get her anything special..except a small stove toy we bought from carboot...untuk dia main masak2...
Happy Birthday Alia!!...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Trip to Madamme Tussaud, London..

Pada hujung minggu lepas, saya sekeluarga turun ke London untuk jalan2. Hari Jumaat tu, kitorang beli ticket untuk masuk ke Madamme Tussaud...habis dalam £45 beli tiket he are some of the pics...







Friday, July 24, 2009

Trip to York.

Last Saturday we had a trip to York, organized by the U of Bradford. Pegi naik bas. We departed at about 9:00 AM and arrived around 10:30 AM..quite a short journey. Sampai je the organizer lepaskan kitorang untuk jalan sindri2. So kitorang pun jalanler, sambil ambik2 gambar...penat jugak..we went to the National Railway Museum, York Minster, the river..banyak tempat nak masuk kena bayar ler, so, kitorang skip ajeler..teringin nak masuk Jorvic Viking exhibition tapi dekat £26 kena bayar nak masuk whole family...pehhh..makan nasi beriani kat restaurant Lahore lagi best..he next trip...London he he..budget besar tuh...

1. At the National Railway Museum

2. Bergayut..


4. Royal coaches

5. At the street..

6. Clifford's Tower

7. City Wall

8. Arilia

5. Happy faces

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ripley's Carboot

Last Sunday we went to a carboot in Ripley, about 1 hour drive from Bradford...there are few things that we bought cheap...among those are..

1. Alia's desk he he...we bought for £10..tawar sekali tak dapat aku bayar je haha...seronok alia dapat meja...

2. Teletubbies set hahaa...dua2 aril & alia suka betul tengok when we found this set just for a pound, we bought it..

Next week pegi carboot lagi..yiihaaa..

Monday, June 22, 2009

Trip to Alton Towers Theme Park

Last Saturday we went to Alton Towers theme park. Lebih kurang macam genting je tempat dia. The weather is a bit cold and cloudy. So that day we spent about 8 hours walking, queuing, and going on to some rides...quite tiring but it was fun..the tickets were purchased at ebay for about £18...okler..dapat bawak budak2 ni jalan2...Here are some of the pictures taken...tak banyak ambik sebab terlupa nak charge battery camera, half way through, bateri camera habis he ambik gambar ngan henpon je lahh....

1. Posing kat pintu masuk..

2. Dalam monorail..


4. Alia posing

5. Aril tak cukup tinggi, bapaknya kena teman...

6. Sempat lagi main air walaupun sejuk...

7. Dua dua basah kuyup...

8. Alia penat jalan, tertidur dalam stroller..

9. Ni gambar naik bot...masing2 tahan gayat...

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Master it is..

So finally, I've decided to do Master. I've submitted the application, online. Next I have to submit the supporting documents. Hopefully it got accepted, wish me luck. It's MSc in Manufacturing Management...that's the closest thing to Chemical Engineering that they have...oklaa..then I have to apply for sponsorship...hmm..JPA, Mara, sekarang tengah gawat diorang ada ke's not much, just the tuition fee, around £12, need monthly allowance, I can survive with part time job and spouse allowance from my wife's scholarship. So now just wait, and wait....

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Trip ke Birmingham dan Nottingham

23 May haritu saya sekeluarga decided nak gi jalan2 ke Birmingham dan Nottingham...mula2 nak ke Nottingham je, tapi sebab kawan Atie di Birmingham yang satu flight haritu baru lepas bersalin, so kitorang decide nak melawat lah. The drive to Birmingham took about two and a half hour. Malam tu kitorang tidur di rumah kawan Atie - Azlihan&Nita. Thanks for the hospitality. Besoknya kitorang jalan2 di kota Birmingham...memang besar ler bandar ni, lebih besar drp Bradford he he..sempatler gi melawat Stadium Aston Villa FC, U of Birmingham, Stadium Birmingham City FC. Lepas habis jalan2 di kota Birmingham, petang tu kitorang bergerak ke Nottingham. Perjalanan mengambil masa lebih kurang sejam lebih. Malam tu dan malam besoknya kitorang tidur di rumah Syahnizam&Mazlina. Besoknya tu belah pagi kitorang pegi carboot sales di Calverton dan petangnya pegi University of Nottingham. Esoknya hari Isnin, kitorang bergerak ke Stoke-and-Trent, tempat membeli pinggan mangkuk. Wife ada ler beli beberapa set pinggan mangkuk Portmeirion..selepas habis shopping, kitorang pun bergerak balik ke Bradford..terima kasih kepada host2 kami di Birmingham dan Nottingham for your hospitality...insyaAllah kalau ada rezeki kitorang datang lagi...

1. Preparation sebelum gerak..aril & alia excited sungguh..

2. Di University of Birmingham

3. Aril & alia

4. Di Stadium Aston Villa FC dan Birmingham City FC..

5. Di carboot sale Calverton...besar sungguh..

6. Di rumah Syahnizam/Mazlina dan Nizam Kahar..tak ambik pulak gambar di rumah Azlihan/Nita..

7. Nizam Kahar & Ros punya collection he he...

8. Di University of Nottingham..lawatan ke School of Computer Science..

9. Jalan2 di sekeliling U of Nottingham...

10. On the way balik..alia kepenatan...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tagged by didie189.

Banyaknyerla soalan..

1) Were you named after anyone?
I dunno, maybe not..

2) When was the last time you cried?
Cry? Men don't cry..:P

3) Do you like your handwriting?
Yes I do.

4) What is your favourite lunch meal?
When I'm hungry, everything is favourite..

5) Do you have kids?
Yes I do.

6) If you were another person, would you like to be friends with you?
Of course I would like to be friends with my charming self.

7) Do you use sarcasm?

8) Do you still have your tonsils?
Yes I do.

9) Would you bungee jump?
Yes I would.

10) What is your favourite cereal?
Kellogs Cornflakes.

11) Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
No I don't.

12) What is your favourite ice–cream?
Banana split.

13) What is the first thing you notice about people?
Err...Face complexion.

14) Red or pink?

15) What is the least favourite thing about yourself?
Perutku yang buncit!!!!

16) Who do you miss the most?
My friends and family back home...

17) Do you want everyone to complete this list?
Tiada paksaan.

18) What colour of trousers and shoes are your wearing?
Blue jeans, no shoes.

19) What are you listening to right now?

20) If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?

21) Favourite smells?

22) The last person you talked to on the phone?
Hj Nik (A friend in Bradford).

23) Do you like the person who sent you this?
Hmm..I wonder what happen if I say no..:P

24) Favourite sports to watch?
Badminton Super Series & Bowling Weber Cup

25) Hair colour?

26) Eye colour?
Dark brown

27) Do you wear contacts?
No I don't. Aku tak rabun.

28) Favourite food?
Hot Pepperoni pizza extra cheese.

28) Scary or happy endings?

29) Last movie you watched?
Valkryie, tengok kat PC.

30) What colour of shirt are you wearing?

31) Summer or winter?

32) Favourite dessert?

33) Most likely to respond?
I dunno, I have no other friends that play this tag thing.

34) Least likely to respond?

35) What books are you reading?

36) What is on your mousepad?
I have no mouse pad.

37) What did you watch last night?

38) Rolling Stones? Beattles?
Rolling Stones.

39) Where is the furthest you have been from home?
Vancouver, Canada.

40) Do you have a special talent?
Yes!!! Playing games.

41) Where were you born?
Port Klang, Selangor.

42) Whose answers are you looking forward to getting back?

Tagging Arbaq har har. Macam dia jawab pun.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Aril belated birthday present...'s Nintendo DS Lite..children kat sini mostly ada benda ni, so bila berkunjung ke rumah orang, diorang semua main game ni, dia sorang terjenguk2 je kat tepi...balik je dia pun bersuara..."semuorang ada game tu, aril je takde" hehehe...sedih la pulak belikanler dia satu...ingatkan nak beli 2nd hand kat ebay, last2 beli baru terussss...adaler dalam £100 he he he...takpe janji pueh hati...seronok betul dia bila dapat hadiah ni ...

bukak jangan tak bukak..muka seposenn je.

ketatla pulak zip ni...

sengih nampak gigi rongak dia...

gigi takde..nintendo ada...

Monday, April 27, 2009

TV baru...

Balik je family day aku dapat tau bid aku untuk satu tv 32 inci kat ebay sudah menang he he...aku bid £41..dapatler aku satu tv 32 inci brand toshiba..2nd hand je...malas beli LCD..CRT pun jadila...hari ahad tu jugak aku pegi cash on pick up...berat nak mampuih tv tuh...kena mintak tolong member pegi la rupanya bila letak dalam ruang tamu rumah sewa aku yang kecik ni...


2. Alia ler seronok dapat tengok cartoon kat tv besar..

3. Punyala seronok sampai tertidur depan tv..

4. Zzzzzzzz...

Rumpun Bradford Family 2009

Hari Ahad haritu, kami sekeluarga berkesempatan ikut serta Hari Keluarga Rumpun Bradford 2009...lokasi nya di Bolton Abbey, lebih kurang 40-50 minutes from Bradford...pegi sana convoy..bertolak lebih kurang 7:30 pagi..sampai dekat2 pukul 9. Memang seronokler kalau ada aktiviti family day ni...dapat kenal2 dengan semuorang...lepas penghulu berucap, aku kena panggil dengan tok penghulu suruh introduce kan diri dan keluarga...sebab baru sampai ngeh ngeh..sungguh tak prepare..hentam ni antara gambar yang sempat di ambil...

1. Aril dan alia tengah bersiap nak bertolak..kalau kat Malaysia takdeler nak pakai booster ni..main hantam duduk je kat belakang...

2. Ni masa dah sampai...beratur kereta depan gate...bila dah parking kat dalam tu dah macam carboot pulak...gambar ketiga tuh tapak family day..

3. Antara menu untuk haritu he he...

4. Keluarga rumpun...yang atas gambar para suami dan bujang terhangat...gambar bawah gambar anak2...aril malu nak ambik gambar mcm biasa..alia pulak takleh duduk kena ambik gambar senget sebab nak masukkan diorang..

5. Gambar kaum ibu rumpun...


7. Gambar alia..he he...



10. Kitorang pun nak bergambar gaks he he...I need a haircut

11. Cara terbaru alia minum susu...

12. Arilia...

13. Kitorang kena beli hadiah masa family day..pastu bagi2laa ikut cabutan nombor..aku dapat meja kecik Ikea...thanks to Halim & Eeee..