Due to recent drop in sales, our plant will be closed for a week for CNY. Everybody had to take leaves. What to do, company's order. So I'll be spending the whole week next week at my wife's hometown, Batu Pahat (Bagan Laut, Rengit). There will be no internet he he...I'll be spending my time relaxing, taking photos with my E-520 and maybe go to Singapore jalan2...so see you guys and gals again in about a week, cheers!
It's official now, I'm an Olympussy..:) I just bought my first DSLR camera, the Olympus E-520 last Friday. It's cost me about RM2.2K for the twin kit lens set. Ok la for starter. Now can join arbaq and didie in the DSLR club..:) Only my gear the cheapest lah har har. I thought I want to go out for street shooting and learn some few pointers from my friend Amir on Sunday but my daughter not feeling very well, so I had to rush back to Kuantan on that day. So my photo outing with him to be postponed on CNY in Batu Pahat...in the mean time, I'll just start shooting and playing with my new toy on my own he he...my life as a DSLR owner begins!!
Yesterday I just made a big move in my life. I've resigned from Polyplastics. It's a 2 months notice. It's not that I'm having a new job, but I'll be leaving to UK in about 2 months time to accompany my wife to pursue her PhD there. It's done. No turning back now. I hope everything goes as plan because right now, I have no backup plan har har har...insyaAllah semuanya ok. So my friend, after 21st of March 2009, I'll be logging in to skype, facebook, blog from Bradford, United Kingdom, insyaAllah.
Today I received a good news. I got promoted to Senior Engineer, yeay! Hmm..however I'm not sure whether I should be happy or not. I'm turning 34 this year and baru nak naik Senior Engineer...sungguh tak perform. My target to be a Manager by 35 mungkin tak kesampaian. Oh well, people get what they deserve. Aku terima dengan hati yang terbuka dan penuh kesyukuran. Yang paling menarik, what did I do when I received the good news? Continue skyping and fbing, and now blogging, patutler lambat naik har har har har.
Minggu lepas aku pegi pulau langkawi…konon percutian hujung tahun ler nih..aku pegi dua family, family aku dan family arbaq.Ni second time ler aku pegi Pulau Langkawi tahun ni. The first time aku pegi masa awal tahun dengan wife, kids, parents, parents in-law, brother and sister. That one was pure shopping because we stayed in Bandar Kuah je. Kali kedua ni mixed ler with shopping and island hopping, and of course visiting historical places. Sebenarnya, ni arbaq punya plan nak bercuti di Langkawi di hujung tahun, aku saja je menyibuk nak ikut sekali har har har…kali ni aku nak gi Island Hopping..
So first day, we arrived at the Condo Istana, which is located right in the middle of Bandar Kuah at around midnite. Okla condo dia.We stayed there for 2 nights.Masa ni shopping je la kat Bandar Kuah. Tapi tak banyak pun barang beli..antaranya luggage bag. We were looking for Loewe, Coach, or Hindmarch but couldn’t find it, so we settled with a Polo luggage bag he he he. After that we went to the Snake sanctuary nak tengok ular. Arbaq busy snapping pictures this time…snap here..snap there…yang best ambik gambar kitorang dengan ular sawa warna kuning..
The second day kitorang decided nak gi naik cable car….pehh…gayat gaks. Tinggi betul cable car dia.Bila dah hampir sampai atas, aku yang macho ni pun ada terasa gayat gak.My wife nak gerak pun tak berani. Takut he he he…tapi bila sampai atas pemandangan dia memang cun aaa…aku pun ambikler beberapa gambar dengan camera Nikon compact aku ni sambil arbaq melayan Nikon D80 nya he he he.
Untuk hari ketiga dan keempat, kitorang stayed at Best Star Hotel, Pantai Cenang.Our room just near the beach he he he.Ini ler antara waktu yang best sebab dapat cuci materrr har har har…my one pair of eyes was so happy this time...
Petang lepas check-in best star hotel tu aku dan arbaq melepak di pantai cenang nak menunggu sun set…arbaq standby dengan D80 nya dan aku dengan Coolpix 5600 ku…tapi hajat tidak kesampaian sebab awan tebal, tak nampak sunset…kuciwa pada hari pertama…
Malam tu, aku dan arbaq pegi reggae bar he he he, ada live reggae band performance…mat saleh keliling order Tiger Beer…kitorang belasah Coke, jadilahhh…dapat gak tengok mat saleh nak minah saleh tua yang dah pencen berjoget2 reggae…barulah reggaeeeeeeeeee……
Pagi hari ketiga, kitorang pegi Island Hopping. We rented the whole boat for ourselves for RM 200. Kitorang pegi Pulau Dayang Bunting, watch eagle feeding (tak banyak pun sebab masa tu hujan gerimis dan angin kuat) dan Pulau Beras Basah. Masa ni aku rasa macam berapa puas sebab tak dapat mandi kat tasik dayang bunting dan pulau beras basah…aku ingat jalan2 je rupanya boleh mandi sekali…aku pakai jeans ngan t-shirt jek hehe..tak bawak baju extra…patut bawak aku punya 2 pieces swimming suit…tapi overall ok jugakler..dapat merasa naik boat lajuuu…
Balik je drp Island Hopping kitorang gi mandi laut di pantai cenang....then petang tu aku dan arbaq went for second attempt on the sun set...but again, hatikukuciwa sebab tak nampak jugak sebab awan tebal...kena pegi kemasik jugak macam ni…
Last day kitorang pegi round menghabiskan minyak Toyota Innova yang kitorang sewa.Antaranya Beras Terbakar, Makam Mahsuri, Langkawi Parade, Langkawi Fair….lepas tu gi airport check-in dan menunggu masa nak balik…
Itu jelah yang aku ingat…tak tauler kalau arbaq nak tambah apa2…it was an enjoyable trip..