When we arrived, we were picked up by two of our friends there...pegi rumah diorang dulu ada makan2 sikit, then we moved to our new rented house...okla sewa about 350 pound a month...not that close to the university though..jalan kaki ada dekat 20 to 30 minutes..it's either I drive her to the university or she take a bus...
1. Di airpot Leeds-Bradford menunggu member ambik...

2. Rumah sewa..kereta tu landlord punya..cakap nak ambik sampai sekarang tak ambik2 lagi..

3. Pandangan depan...

4. Ruang tamu..kecik je..

5. Aril dan alia sedang makan di dapur...
Author's note: Gambar salah upload ler, tak sama dengan comment. Sila baca comment dari atas tapi rujuk gambar dari bawah he he he...
budak baru belajar
tuler.. tunggang terbalik :-p
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